Şarkı Sözleri
Şarkı Sözleri
Depuis Le Début Sözleri - Thirty Seconds To Mars
I danced with a million devils
Died from a life of sin
Made love to a million angels
Murdered a million men
There will be blood
There will be blood
There will be blood
There will be blood
Tüm Thirty Seconds To Mars Şarkılarını Göster
Thirty Seconds To Mars - Popüler Şarkı Sözleri
Up In The Air
City Of Angels
Bright Lights
End Of All Days
The Race
Northern Lights
Depuis Le Début
Do Or Die
Yeni Eklenen Şarkı Sözleri
Dearly Beloved
5. Boyut
Fatih Erkoç
On My Way
Depuis Le Début
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Northern Lights
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Do Or Die
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Bright Lights
Thirty Seconds To Mars
End Of All Days
Thirty Seconds To Mars
The Race
Thirty Seconds To Mars
City Of Angels
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Up In The Air
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Thirty Seconds To Mars
Second Chance
Lucy Rose